According to the Minister of State for Kampala, Hon. Kyofatogabye i Uganda is purchasing and importing 10,000 dust bins at a cost of 2.5 million each.
He is quoted as saying that these dust bins are fancy and that people will have to be taught how to use them.
“Yes, we might have dust bins in our supermarkets at only 400k each, but probably they might not be befitting a conference of international nature like the forthcoming NAM.”
We should be inclined to suspect that these dust bins being imported at 2.5 million shillings each must be having *AI* chip that will make the said dust bin interractive.
For example the dust bin will be able to thank you every time you deposit your garbage correctly. They will reward you points and when you reach a certain level of points, they will start opening the lead for you automatically because you will be considered a premium customer. For sure, these are not your usual dust bins can’t be manufactured locally. They had to be imported.
Also significant is that the intended users of these dust bins will have to be taught fully on how to use them lest we don’t achieve what we have envisaged for the conference. Just as many Ugandans were taught on how to wash their hands and also many were taught on how to drink coffee, we need to teach people on how to use these dust bins.
Once placed around the city, Kampala will be an international sensation and will increase the number of tourist visitation to the country which will be a plus for our economy.
Source Nile Post