By Eusukoit Cuthbert Otim.
AMURIA. The administration of Amuria Secondary school from the eastern district of Amuria has suspended all students from school following yesterday’s violent strike.
The suspensions were announced by the head teacher Emmanuel Otinen Ikate this evening after holding an emergency meeting with other stake holders, including the board, PTA and SMC management and the security team.
According to his verbal announcement, the students in S1, S2, S3, S5 and S6 will serve a suspension of one week effective immediately.
Only senior four candidates who are sitting their UCE Exams for the third day.
The Amuria Resident District Commissioner Lillian Eyal who chaired the meeting confirms the suspensions saying it was the only step to take to return calm to school.
“We analyzed the situation as security team and found that suspending the whole school except S.4 is prudent,” said Eyal in an interview.
She said the school authorities will later after one week communicate to the students on reporting back.
The strike was allegedly sparked off after some students missed supper.
Some students who spoke to our reporter on anonymity said to avoid reprimand said some of the teachers have been harsh to students especially during meals.
“The way the handle us is not fair, “said one of the students in senior three.
He added that one of the members of the disciplinary committee suspensions students arbitrarily even without notice of the head teacher.
Another student said the same teacher is “chasing” students from getting food if their compound t-shirt are faded.
“He comes to the line during supper checking if your T-shirt is not faded. If it’s faded he chases you from the line violently and get humiliated,” said another student in an interview with this publication.
The rowdy students stoned and destroyed window pains and other school property worth unspecified amount of money.
The head teacher Emmanuel Otinen Ikate said the school authorities are yet to assess the damage caused.
By press time, it was not possible to establish the number of students in the school as the head teacher cut the interview short saying he was very “stressed.”
The DPC Samson Muyamba said they are holding one Student to help with investigations.
Students of Amuria Secondary school are not new to striking. They also went on a last year.