By Chris Woo
In a significant move to improve access to clean water in Oyam South, Pioneer Evangelism Network Uganda, in collaboration with parliamentary aspirant Patrick Ogwang Obura, has initiated a project to drill 10 new boreholes and rehabilitate over 100 existing ones in the constituency.
The launch took place on Tuesday, with project coordinator Justine Okello sharing updates on the initiative.
Okello announced that rehabilitation efforts are already underway, with seven boreholes currently being repaired in Minakulu Town Council and Minakulu Sub County.
Last year, the same team successfully drilled five new boreholes and rehabilitated 105 others, marking a substantial effort to enhance water accessibility in the region.
During the launch, Patrick Ogwang Obura, represented by Geoffrey Tadeo Okello, highlighted the locations of the repaired boreholes, which include Mitaco Market, Aringo Rwot, Otara, Opuk, Puk Opeke, Owinykur, and Barmogo villages.
He emphasized the link between water scarcity and gender-based violence, urging community members to remain vigilant and responsive to this pressing issue.
Thomas Okello, a health worker involved with the project, encouraged the formation of water source committees within the community.
These committees would oversee the monthly collection of water user fees and ensure the maintenance of the water sources to promote good health standards.
Ambrose Alung, the Vice Chairperson of the business community at Mitacoo Trading Center, expressed gratitude to Ogwang Obura and the team for their life-changing initiative.
He spoke about the alarming rates of sexual abuse faced by women and children during their struggle to access clean water, particularly at night and in the presence of narcotic drug users.
Community member Fred Olila echoed these concerns, highlighting how many, particularly elderly women and children, have been forced to resort to fetching contaminated water from wells and streams.
This situation has led to a significant increase in waterborne diseases. Olila called on the government, development partners, and well-wishers to step up efforts in drilling more boreholes in Minakulu to address the overwhelming water needs of the community.
Veronica Akello, an 85-year-old resident of Atek Ward in Minakulu Town Council, shared her personal struggles due to water scarcity, revealing that she had gone two consecutive days without bathing.
She lamented the severe impact this has on the elderly, persons with disabilities, and children in the area, and she offered her blessings to Ogwang Obura for his dedication to this cause.
The initiative by Pioneer Evangelism Network and Patrick Ogwang Obura is a vital step toward improving public health, reducing gender-based violence, and fostering a safer, healthier community in Oyam South.
With ongoing efforts to address water access, the hopes for a more equitable and supportive environment for all residents are becoming increasingly tangible.